Company Management Systems
Dominant is committed to delivering high-quality products with consistent and reliable performance. That is why we have implemented and maintain management systems that exceed the requirements of International ISO standards. Allowing you to have confidence when using all Dominant products and services.

ISO 22000 - Food Safety Management System
ISO 22000 ensures the safety of the global food supply chain to the highest standard. It is an internationally recognised certification standard based on the most advanced technological, scientific, and managerial expertise. This certification has created a level standard across food safety management systems worldwide. Dominant customers can be assured that our products adhere to this high standard.
ISO 9001:2015 - Quality Management System
ISO 9001 is a standard that sets out the requirements for a quality management system. It ensures businesses and organisations are effectively identifying and managing risks, and implementing continuous improvements to deliver products and services consistently, reliably and with high levels of customer satisfaction. Dominant is certified to the ISO9001:2015 standard for the development, manufacture, and despatch of cleaning chemicals and personal care products.
Dominant is compliant with HACCP requirements for the production of cleaning chemicals.
HACCP is a food safety and risk assessment plan that stands for Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points and outlines seven key principles in food safety:
- Hazard Analysis
- Critical Control Points
- Critical Limits
- Critical Control Monitoring
- Corrective Action
- Procedures
- Record Keeping
HACCP can be applied to all processes throughout each and every stage of the food supply chain. This includes production, preparation, packaging and distribution of cleaning products for food handling areas.
ISO 14001 Environmental Management System
Dominant is proudly certified to the ISO 14001 Environmental Management Standard. This environmental management system ensures the company interacts responsibly with the environment across all aspects of the business. As care for the environment is vital we follow specific guidelines and processes within our business that focus on:
- Sustainability of our processes and practices
- Identifying and managing waste from our operations
- Overall, minimising our Environmental Footprint
This includes resourceful management processes such as packaging and chemical waste recycling, reducing packaging materials by producing highly concentrated products, and using external waste management services.
All elements within the Environmental Management System allow Dominant to confidently maintain the highest standard of environmentally conscious processes throughout the business.
All Dominant quality policies are available to be viewed upon request at enquiry@dominant.com.au